Image: Fast Travel GamesImage: Fast Travel Games

If you want to breathe some new VR life into your pancake games on Steam, check out the new GameVRoom.

Together with developer Really Interactive, Fast Travel Games launched the app into Early Access on Steam today.

The new app allows users to play non-VR games on Steam with a VR headset and motion controllers.

While similar apps, like Bigscreen, exist, the developer says they’re focusing on making flat gaming better, more customizeable, and fun.

“GameVRoom takes flat-screen gaming to new heights with the power of VR, giving players the ability to enjoy desktop titles with friends in an inventive space,” says Really Interactive Co-Founder Jonaton Crafoord. “No matter how many times you’ve beaten your favorite games, we encourage you to revisit them with GameVRoom for a fresh experience.”

At launch, the app offers two environment themes; a sleek spaceship and a chic apartment.

Users can customize their key bindings and emulate a mouse, keyboard, or gamepad.

The app also allows users to use motion controller gestures to perform in-game functions like reloading or switching weapons.

Users can create virtual buttons and place them in their environment to create a customized control surface.

Custom layouts are shareable in the community library.

GameVRoom allows users to play games from their Steam library with up to three friends online or on one computer.

Players can host public or private rooms.

GameVRoom doesn’t support standard 3D video formats yet, but the developer says it is in the pipeline.

And while GameVRoom won’t be in the Steam Winter sale, you can get it for a discount for a limited time.

Really Interactive is celebrating the app’s launch by offering 10 percent off for customers.

The app will be on sale for $8.99 until December 22.

After the launch sale, GameVRoom will be available for its regular retail price of $9.99.

According to Fast Travel, GameVRoom is compatible with most SteamVR-capable headsets.

The company also says updates with additional features and improvements will come in the months ahead.

Image/Video: Fast Travel Games

By Benjie Cooper

Raised on geek culture, Benjie has been in cannabis news since 2014, and a consumer since long before that. Before starting CannaGeek, he wrote for the Candid Chronicle and co-hosted the Nug Life Radio Show.