The Jushi Holdings cannabis company is showing compassion for fellow humans through a collaborative clean water project.

Today, Jushi announced a partnership with Drop4Drop (D4D) to fund seven clean water projects in Gambia, India, Malawi, Senegal, South Sudan, and Uganda.

D4D Co-Founder Lucas White says the impact of the projects cannot be overstated.

“While it’s nearly impossible to fathom what it must be like to live without access to clean drinking water, this is the unfortunate reality for nearly one in nine people across the globe,” says White. “The regions where Jushi funded projects are incredibly challenging environments for humans to live in. Without safe sources of water, you can’t safely grow crops or allow trees to grow for shade; you can’t practice proper sanitation or hygiene; you can’t build and sustain local economies.”

Clean Water Changes Everything

White says the effects are devastating, but communities and local economies begin to change once the projects go in.

Jushi says the clean water projects will have a significant positive impact in various areas for a long time.

Each project site will offer health and hygiene and utilize regional knowledge, language, and experience through local partnerships.

Community members will receive tools and basic maintenance training to ensure the wells are in good condition.

To create a sense of community ownership, cover maintenance issues, and dramatically increase sustainability, D4D will take a small fee from the community.

Jushi says the projects will ensure that women are involved in all implementation stages.

Citing United Nations data, Jushi says involving women can increase water project effectiveness by six or seven times.

Jushi CEO Jim Cacioppo says the company believes access to safe, clean water is a fundamental human right.

“Not only is it critical to sanitation and hygiene—it saves lives and fights against poverty,” says Cacioppo. “Working with our incredible partner Drop4Drop, we were able to identify and fund critical projects that will empower these local communities, create new opportunities, and save lives.”

Cacioppo says Jushi looks forward to supporting communities worldwide as it continues corporate social responsibility efforts with D4D and other like-minded organizations.


Image: Drop4Drop

By Benjie Cooper

Raised on geek culture, Benjie has been in cannabis news since 2014, and a consumer since long before that. Before starting CannaGeek, he wrote for the Candid Chronicle and co-hosted the Nug Life Radio Show.

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