Image: Surreal Bytes

A new Spanish startup company named Surreal Bytes is showing promise as it steps onto the global VR design stage.

The company says it is ready to make a big impact on the virtual environment industry.

Founded in January, the company says its goal is to establish itself as a potential leader in virtual environment creation.

The company says its team of talented young professionals is making waves in innovative technologies and workflows.

While VR has made strides in recent years, environment quality can vary, depending on the developer and application.

Surreal Bytes says that, with its technology, the company can create stunning virtual environments, including photorealistic landscapes and fantastical worlds.

But the fledgling company says it has had difficulty with its bringing its offerings to the market in Spain.

Surreal Bytes says that while VR has taken off in other counties worldwide, Spain is just getting started.

“One of the biggest challenges for Surreal Bytes has been introducing this new technology to the Spanish market,” states the company in a press release. “While virtual environments are becoming more and more popular around the world, they are still taking their first steps in Spain.”

Surreal Bytes says it is passionate about technology, VR, AR, photogrammetry, and the future of virtual environments.

According to the company, its passion is the driving force behind innovations and expanding possibilities in the VR space.

The company says it strives to educate potential customers about its technology’s benefits and the potential of virtual environments.

Despite challenges, the company says it has experienced unexpected growth and success in its short existence.

The team says it is excited about the future and committed to innovation and progress.

The company says by focusing on innovation and young talent, it will be one to watch in the years ahead.

Image: Surreal Bytes

By Benjie Cooper

Raised on geek culture, Benjie has been in cannabis news since 2014, and a consumer since long before that. Before starting CannaGeek, he wrote for the Candid Chronicle and co-hosted the Nug Life Radio Show.