Imagine being on an island, feeling safe, herb smoke is in the air, great music is playing, and thousands of guests are enjoying the vibes.

That is exactly what we saw at this first Mission Bay Fest! 

The concert started out with guests pouring in slowly, some making a beeline to the Kush Cove area! 

We saw you and appreciate that you were in the know! 

Some Mission Bay Fest goers may have enjoyed an Island IPA or other alcoholic beverage.

Still, it seems many came by the Kush Cove requesting to “blaze it,” but they could only do so at their own risk as “No Smoking” signs surrounded the Kush Cove and Mission Bayfest grounds. 

I am sure not one person smoked cannabis at a concert before Kush Cove. 

Actually, the first ceremonial joint ever lit and carried through the crowd of concert goers hasn’t happened yet either. 

It wasn’t a foot long, and no, Vana Liya did not hold it.

It seems we still need to frame everything as if it is still a joke, because still, cannabis events are not permitted as they should be in San Diego County

I hope that they are soon premitted, because Assembly Bill 2210 allows cannabis event licenses to be at a venue that has an ABC license. 

“This bill would prohibit the DCC from denying an application for a state temporary event license solely on the basis that there is a license issued pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act for the proposed premises of the event.”

This means any bar could become a cannabis venue for sales and consumption, at least when not selling alcohol. 

It makes sense, bars should be able to have cannabis events if the events are not permitted anywhere else, and considering bars are already approved for alcohol consumption.

Let’s roll with it!

The problem is that bars stink like spilled beer, or worse, and often have no smoking policies, but it gets me thinking!